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Cập nhật: 06/12/2021
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Joystick chơi game trên điện thoại
ftb score rating icon 9.2
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
BỘ 2 Nút Bắn Flydigi Stinger Pro Chơi Game Cực Nhanh, Chuẩn Xác Cho Game PUBG, ROS, Free Fire, BH 12 Tháng
ftb score rating icon 9.4
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Joystick A9 mobile , nút chơi game siêu đỉnh
ftb score rating icon 8.8
FTB Score

Top 30 joystick hải phòng

Joystick chơi game trên điện thoại

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.2

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Các bạn nào game thủ trên mobile thì ko thể thiếu phụ kiện này - cày game ko đau tay và bị rát khi tiếp xúc vs màn hình điện thoại liên tục Sử dụng được cho cả điện thoại và máy tính bảng Hộp 1 tay joystic #game #gamezone #gamethu #gamer #phukien #phukiendienthoai #phukiendt #phukiendoc #joystick #phimgame #phukiengaming #chatdep #shopeeshi
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BỘ 2 Nút Bắn Flydigi Stinger Pro Chơi Game Cực Nhanh, Chuẩn Xác Cho Game PUBG, ROS, Free Fire, BH 12 Tháng

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.4

Mô tả

BỘ 2 Nút Bắn Flydigi Stinger Pro ĐẶC ĐIỂM NỔI BẬT ✅ Sử dụng CapAir Mapping Technology ✅ Không lo bị BAN Account ✅ CapAir Mapping 2 tap và phản hồi nhanh hơn. ✅ Cho phép ghi lại tần suất nhấp và phát lại. (xem thêm bên dưới) ✅ Chất liệu PC + ABS bên ngoài làm cho Flydigi Stinger Pro thêm tinh tế. ✅ Thiết kế cực kỳ gọn gàng ✅ Hỗ trợ độ dày lên đến 1,05cm, và độ rộng 8,7cm ✅ Pin lên tới 80 giờ chỉ với 1 lần sạc. ✅ 2 chế độ Single và Auto tap 8 lần. ✅ Full charged 1.5 hours. ( sạc 5 phút chơi thêm 10 giờ) ------------------------------------------------------ CÁCH SỬ DỤNG: 👉 Công tắc nằm trên đầu là công tắc ghi/phát. 👉 Chuyển công tắc trên cùng sang chế độ ghi/phát lại, nhấn và giữ nút ghi ở mặt sau trong 2 giây. 👉 Lúc này bạn có thể ghi lại bất kỳ tần số phím nào và nhấn lại để ghi lại. Ghi lại kết nối nút. Lúc này nhấn và giự nút 👉 bắn để ghi lại. #flydigi #stinger #pro #shadowtrick #fps #pugb #mobile #ros #codmobile #cod #freefire #gacestore #flydigi #stinger #flydigistinger #pubg #joytic #nutbamchoigame
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Joystick A9 mobile , nút chơi game siêu đỉnh

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 8.8

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Siêu Phẩm Nút Chơi Game Tuyệt Đỉnh Vô Đối Đã Được Ra Mắt 🔥 😎 Giúp game thủ chơi game mobile hay hơn 🔫 Ước mơ trở thành cao thủ trong làng game mobile đã không còn xa nữa khi bạn sở hữu Siêu Phẩm Nút Game Mobile Joystick A9 v 🔫 Mobile Joystick A9 hiện đang là nút game tốt nhất hiện nay và không có đối thủ 😎 ⚡ Joystick A9 v dành cho game thủ chơi #LiênQuân #fifaonline #needforspeed #pubg giúp chơi nhẹ nhàng, êm ái hơn, không bị rít khi thao tác ( đau tay khi tiếp xúc màn hình trong thời gian lâu ) ⚡ Joystick A9 gọn nhẹ vừa đủ thao tác trên điện thoại ⚡ Sản phẩm dễ dàng sử dụng ⚡ Hỗ trợ tất cả các dòng điện thoại cảm ứng , ⚡ KHÔNG cần kết nối, chỉ lắp vào là dùng được #Joystick #A9 #Nútbấmchơigame #MobileJoys
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Bao tay chơi game FF siêu nhạy SIDOTECH Memo GT1 sợi carbon cảm ứng mượt cho game PUBG ROS Tốc Chiến Liên Quân mobile

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.8

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GĂNG TAY CHƠI GAME ĐIỆN THOẠI SIDOTECH GT1 • Phiên bản găng tay cao cấp được rất nhiều game thủ chuyển nghiệp lựa chọn. THÔNG TIN CHI TIẾT GĂNG TAY CHƠI GAME ĐIỆN THOẠI SIDOTECH GT1 • Thiết kế và gia công từ Sợi Carbon cao cấp siêu bền, cảm ứng nhạy • Thiết kể mỏng hơn 30% so với các loại găng tay trên thị trường • Khả năng co dãn đàn hồi cực cao, đường chỉ may tỉ mỉ chỉn chu. • Vẫn có khả năng cảm ứng nhạy trong trường hợp bị ướt • Hấp thụ mồ hôi tay hiệu quả, giúp thoáng khí • Găng tay có thể giặt lại được nhiều lần và không bị mất cảm ứng. 🔰 CAM KẾT CỦA SIDOTECH • Cung cấp những sản phẩm chính hãng với chất lượng phù hợp với giá tiền • Sản phẩm luôn được test kỹ trước khi đóng gói và vận chuyển • Hỗ trợ tư vấn / Hướng dẫn sử dụng 24/7 thông qua Chat hoặc SDT 🔰 CHÍNH SÁCH ĐỔI TRẢ Được chấp nhận đổi trả hoặc hoàn tiền khi đạt điều kiện: • Trong vòng 07 ngày kể từ thời điểm nhận hàng • Hàng hoá bị lỗi hoặc hư hỏng do vận chuyển hoặc do nhà sản xuất • Hàng không giống như hình ảnh và video • Khách hàng đưa ra lý do hợp lý, hợp tình được SIDOTECH chấp nhận. 🔰 CHÍNH SÁCH BẢO HÀNH • Bảo hành 3 tháng chính hãng 1 đổi 1 nếu có lỗi nhà sản xuất • Bảo hành trách nhiệm thêm 9 tháng sau khi hết bảo hành chính hãng như : Sửa chữa, đổi sản phẩm khác, giảm giá sâu cho khách hàng cũ ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Khách hàng nên nhắn tin trực tiếp cho shop trước khi đặt hàng để trở thành NHÀ MUA HÀNG THÔNG THÁI với các bước: Hiểu sản phẩm - Đặt hàng - Nhận hàng - Hài lòng - Đánh giá #gangtay #choigame #gangtaychoigame #baotay #baotaychoigame #pubg #lienquan #tocchien #sidotech #freefire #combat #mobile #gangtayba
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Bao tay chơi game Shezi , Memo chất lượng cao

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.6

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Găng tay chơi game chuyên dụng này sẽ là cứu cánh cho các "game thủ" game mobile bị ra mồ hôi tay Bản thân từng là 1 game thủ chuyên đi cày thuê 3 năm , mình luôn phải đặt mua găng tay từ rất nhiều xưởng để chọn những sản phẩm tốt nhất cho các bạn , các bạn có thể xem thao tác tay của mình ở video này Đặc biệt tiết kiệm chi phí khi mua 8 găng tay sẽ được miễn phí vận chuyển ( ảnh thứ 2 ) Đơn giản là thay vì mua 4 găng tay giá 25k+ tiền ship 25k là 50k, thì mua 4 găng số lượng 2 , tức là 8 ngón , sau đó áp mã miễn phí vận chuyển, thì mua 8 găng tay cũng chỉ 50k Hơn nữa , phí vận chuyển bên mình luôn là rẻ nhất Kể cả không gặp quá nhiều vấn đề với mồ hôi tay, với thiết kế sợi thông minh Bộ Finger Tips này còn hỗ trợ người sử dụng thực hiện các thao tác tay chính xác và ổn định hơn nhờ khả năng chống trượt đặc biệt Món phụ kiện tuy bé nhỏ này sẽ trở thành một trở thủ đắc lực cho những người yêu thích các thể loại game mobile phổ biến hiện nay, đặc biệt là các tựa game MOBA (như Liên Quân Mobile, Mobile Legends...) nơi đòi hỏi sự chính xác cao trong từng thao tác tay, hay các tựa game sinh tồn (PUBG Mobile, FreeFire, Rules of Survival...) với thượng lượng chơi kéo dài khiến ngón tay dễ bị ra mồ hôi tay, gây điều khiển không chuẩn xác. Cách dùng găng tay đạt hiệu quả cao nhất #găng_tay_chơi_game, #găngtaychơigame , #gang_tay_choi_game #gangtaychoigame ,#găng_tay_cảm_ứng, #tay _chơi_game , #tay_choi
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[ PHIÊN BẢN MỚI ] Flydigi Wasp Feelers 2 | Găng tay chơi game PUBG, Liên quân, chống mồ hôi, cực nhạy, co giãn cực tốt

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.6

Mô tả

TÍNH NĂNG NỔI BẬT: Tên sản phẩm : Flydigi Wasp Feeler 2 Màu: Đen viền màu xanh Được làm từ sợi carbon, mỏng và nhạy hơn phiên bản 1 Thiết kể mỏng hơn 20.3 Micro mm thoáng khí, có khả năng co giãn, đàn hồi cực cao Sản phẩm không có đường may ở mặt tiếp xúc với màn hình điện thoại, do công nghệ may tiên tiến nhất\ Đem lại cảm giác ghìm tâm cực chính xác Có khả năng cảm ứng cực nhạy với màn hình điện thoại Hấp thụ mồ hôi tay hiệu quả, giúp thoáng khí 120 điểm tiếp xúc trên 1 cm vuông, tăng 30% độ nhạy so với phiên bản cũ Thích hợp sử dụng với các ngón tay Bao tay có thể giặt lại được bằng nước sạch ========================== #Dinos #Phukiengaming #Phukien =======================
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Vỏ Tay Cầm Joy-Con Lammcou Cho Nintendo Switch

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ftb score rating icon 9.8

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Compatible Brand/Model :Nintendo Color :black Dropshipping/ Wholesale: YES, pls contact us. *Joycon Grips For Nintendo Switch NS Joy-Con Controller Gamepad Hand Grip Accessories, 2-Pack * EXCLUSIVE MATERIALS - Lammcou grips made of exclusive materials, with premium rubber non-slip matte surface for excellent grip. Scratch free, attractive appearance, touch is the best. * ERGONOMIC DESIGN - IMPROVER SL and SR buttons to extend the lifespan. Ergonomic design provides superior grip and enhanced comfort. Allow you to play for longer such as Mario Kart and Street Fighter Ultra. * COMFORTABLE TO HOLD - Perfect for those extended, high-stress gaming sessions. Grab control and elevate your game with the Joy con Grip Kit. * ONE MODEL FOR BOTH SIDES - Since it is a dedicated design, operation of each terminal and button can be convenient while keeping the case attached. * ROTECTION - Since it is a special cover, it can protect your Joy-Con firmly from everyday wear and tear, scratches and dirt.(NOTE: No include Switch and Joy-Cons.)" If the product you receive is damaged or wrong, please contact us within 48 hours and send the photo of the goods and bar code. We'll resend a new right one to you in time. "And pls kindly don't forget to follow our account by Clicking""follow""!we will update more items for you If you are satisfied with our products and services, please also remember to give us a 5 star feedback when you receive the item.many thanks!" #nintendoswitch #switch #nintendo #grip #joycon #cap #mario #splatoon #analog #pokemon #Pikachu #ResidentEvil #nintendoswitchlite #switchlite#joystickcaps#animalcro
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6 Nút Điều Khiển Analog Cho Psv1000 2000 Màu Đỏ

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ftb score rating icon 10

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Description: Silicone thumb stick grip cover for Sony PS PSV1000 2000. Easy to install - just turn the caps and then over the sticks. Protection - Protects your controller from shocks, scratches. Enhance your gaming experience with these simple grip add-ons. Made from high quality silicon, comfortable and durable; Accurate and sensitive design, enable you perfect playing experience. Specification: Material: silicone Package Includes: 6Pieces thumb stick
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Vỏ bảo vệ máy chơi game Nintendo Switch bằng TPU tiện lợi Lammcou

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ftb score rating icon 9.8

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Compatible Brand/Model : Nintendo Switch Lite Color : Transparent Dropshipping/ Wholesale: YES, pls contact us. 🎮Lammcou Protective Case for Nintendo Switch Lite Cover Kit & 9H Tempered Glass Screen Protector Film & Cat Claw Design Thumb Grip Caps for Nintendo Switch Lite Caso 🎮【ERGONOMIC DESIGN】 Lammcou case for Nintendo Switch Lite with ergonomic handle is easy to hold in hand, can avoid cramps in hands and is comfortable for hours of play. 🎮 【FULL BODY PROTECTION】 Lammcou Switch Lite Protective Case with high quality TPU material. Protective, durable and highly transparent, provides excellent shock absorption that can protect your Switch Lite from accidental drops or bumps. 🎮 【PERFECT FIT】 Lammcou Soft Rubber protective cover for Nintendo Switch Lite 100% fit for Nintendo Switch Lite. Easy to attach and detach. Precision cutouts allow easy access to all connections. 🎮 【Tempered Galss Screen Protecter】 Lammcou ultra clear 9H tempered glass screen protective film with 99.99% high definition and touch screen accuracy for the original touch experience, which can protect the screen of your Nintendo Switch Lite against every day use, scratches, dust and fingerprint smudges. 🎮 【Cat Claw Design Thumb Grip Caps】 Lammcou Soft and Comfortable silicone Thumb Grip Caps provides careful protection and comfortable hand feel for Thumb Grips. Offering you long-lasting protection for your analog stick. If the product you receive is damaged or wrong, please contact us within 48 hours and send the photo of the goods and bar code. We'll resend a new right one to you in time. And pls kindly don't forget to follow our account by Clicking""follow""!we will update more items for you If you are satisfied with our products and services, please also remember to give us a 5 star feedback when you receive the item.many thanks! Dear customer, we will send exactly the model what you choosed. So please check the model picture what you have choosed. Sometimes, the model number has a part more or less as the main picture shows. But we have sent the right model as you choosed. #nintendoswitch #switch #nintendo #grip #joycon #cap #mario #splatoon #analog #pokemon #Pikachu #ResidentEvil #nintendoswitchlite #switchlite#joystickcaps#animalcro
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Joystick chơi game trên điện thoại

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.4

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Các bạn nào game thủ trên mobile thì ko thể thiếu phụ kiện này - cày game ko đau tay và bị rát khi tiếp xúc vs màn hình điện thoại liên tục Sử dụng được cho cả điện thoại và máy tính bảng Hộp 1 tay joystic #game #gamezone #gamethu #gamer #phukien #phukiendienthoai #phukiendt #phukiendoc #joystick #phimgame #phukiengaming #chatdep #shopeeshi
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LEFT Black USB Dual Shock PC Computer Wired Gamepad Game Controller Joystick

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

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welcome to! FEATURES: • brand new and high quality •Works great for many old and new PC games. •The reasonable human body construction design felling is more comfortable. •Dual Vibration feedback motors, Soft-Touch, easy grab buttons. •Plug-and-play, easy installation with no software required. •Analog + Digital Dual fighting setting. •8-way direction pad. •12 fire button and 4 Axis. •USB compatible. Package include:1*Handle r
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[ Hàng sẵn] Tay cầm chơi game Nintendo Switch pro controller AOLION - Full tính năng WAKE UP, NFC, TURBO, RUMBLE

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.8

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MÔ TẢ SẢN PHẨM Tay cầm dành cho Nintendo Switch chính hãng AOLION, giúp các game thủ chơi game thoải mái hơn Tương thích: Nintendo Switch, PC Kết nối: Wireless Bluetooth 4.0, USB-C. Full tính năng WAKE UP, NFC, TURBO, MOTION CONTROL, RUMBLE... Kích thước sản phẩm: 16 x 11 x 4 cm Thời lượng pin: 20h chơi. Khối lượng sản phẩm: 350g. Trong hộp chứa: Pro Controller, cáp
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【strongaroetrtombn】 2Pcs Boxing Game Player Chrome Arcade Joystick Shaft Extender For SANWA Shimizu VN

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ftb score rating icon 10

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Product name: Joystick Shaft Extender Product material: stainless steel Product size: as picture Package includes: 2 x Joystick Shaft Ext
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HSV 3D Analog Joystick Thumbsticks Cap Replacement with T8 T6 Repair Screwdriver Kit for XboxOne/PS4/PS5 Controller

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

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#3D #Analog #Joystick #Thumbsticks #Cap #Replacement #with #T8 #T6 #Repair #Screwdriver #Kit #for #XboxOne/PS4/PS5 #Controller 3D Analog Joystick Thumbsticks Cap Replacement with T8 T6 Repair Screwdriver Kit for XboxOne/PS4/PS5 Controller 100% brand new and high quality Features: Perfectly fit for Xbox-One/PS4/PS5 controllers, replace your broken or worn-out original controller thumbsticks. True rubberized on the top and side, you will no longer have to worry about slipping off the analog stick of your controllers, and provide more accuracy and sensitivity, give you the most complete game pleasures. Perfectly fit for your controller with aggressive textured grip. Anti-slip handle in ergonomic design to provide convenience and comfort for working and repairing. T6 T8 Screwdriver Repair Tools Kit only,other accessories demo in the picture is not included. Specification: Material: Plastic Packing Size: app.1.3x0.9cm/0.51x0.35in Color: As the pictures shown Compatibility: for Xbox-One/PS4/PS5 Quantity: 1 Set Note: No retail package. Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package Contents: 1 Set x T6 T8 Screwdriver Repair Tools
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[ulovebsby] PUBG Mobile Controller Phone Game Joystick Suction Cup Touch Button Game Rocker [ulovebsby]

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ftb score rating icon 10

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100% Brand New and High Quality ! Applicable to model: Mobile phones and tablets Material:Copper and silicone Size:about 1*1cm Color: Gold, Silver Package Included:1Pair Game Controller+ wet paper towel + dust-free cloth + dust absorption f
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HSV Wireless Bluetooth-compatible Game Controller Joystick 6-axis Gyroscope Asymmetric Dual Motors Gamepad for Switch/Lite

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ftb score rating icon 10

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#Wireless #Bluetooth-compatible #Game #Controller #Joystick #6-axis #Gyroscope #Asymmetric #Dual #Motors #Gamepad #for #Switch/Lite Wireless Bluetooth-compatible Game Controller Joystick 6-axis Gyroscope Asymmetric Dual Motors Gamepad for Switch/Lite 100% brand new and high quality Features: Bluetooth-compatible connection is stable and convenient, use Bluetooth-compatible wireless connection technology, high-speed signal transmission is stable without delay, get rid of the distance limitation of the wired gamepad, so that the game experience is free to play. Gamepad adopts vibration design to sense the collision, shock wave, battle and other scenes in the game, and generate vibration effects, which enhances the plot and scene substitution of the game. Different impact strength and different intensity feedback can provide a more exquisite and rich game experience. Ergonomic design, very comfortable to hold, suitable for playing games for a long time, enjoy the fun of the game. Support 6-axis gyroscope function, built-in asymmetric dual motors, more stable and delicate vibration. Turbo's continuous shooting function make it easier to play arcade or action games. Suitable for Switch/Lite, great for Windows 7 and above PC. Buttons and joysticks with highly sensitive and accuracy. Have a screenshot function on the Switch.(Note: Does not support waking up the switch, without nfc function) Perfect gift for yourself or your friends. Specification: Product name: Game Controller Power supply mode: built-in lithium battery Input voltage/current: DC5V/500mA Working voltage/current: DC3.7V/20mA Maximum working current: <200mA Continuous use time: >8H Charging time: about 2 hours Bluetooth-compatible connection: Bluetooth-compatible 4.0 Battery capacity: 380mAh Applicable for: suitable for Switch/Lite, great for Windows7 PC Materials: ABS+metal Size: app.145x98x58mm/5.71x3.86x2.28in(length x width x height) Optional Colors: Yellow, Blue, Black Quantity: 1set Note: Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 x Game Controller 1 x Data Cable 1 x Instruction Manual(other accessories demo in the picture is not inclu
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HSV Game Controller Mobile Phone Back Clip Gamepad Trigger Button Joystick for Mobile Phone PUBG Game Univers

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ftb score rating icon 10

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#Game #Controller #Mobile #Phone #Back #Clip #Gamepad #Trigger #Button #Joystick #for #Mobile #Phone #PUBG #Game Game Controller Mobile Phone Back Clip Gamepad Trigger Button Joystick for Mobile Phone PUBG Game Univers 100% brand new and high quality Features: 1. It is specially designed for eating chicken hands, triggering the touch, not blocking the screen, not blocking the button, the phone is universal. 2. Physical compression, quick shooting, sensitive and no delay, 20 shots per second. Specifications: Color: Red Charging voltage: 5v±0.5v Charging current: 200mAh Applicable mobile phone size: 4.7-6.5 inch mobile phone Size: 150x100x20mm/5.91x3.94x0.79in Notes: 1.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. 2.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package Included: 1 X Mobile Phone Back Clip 1 X Electric Bursting Button 1 X Physical Single Shot Button 1 X Charging Line 1 X Storage Bag
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HSV Wireless Bluetooth-compatible Game Remote Controller Joystick 6-axis Gyroscope Game Console Gamepad for Switch Pro for

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#Wireless #Bluetooth-compatible #Game #Remote #Controller #Joystick #6-axis #Gyroscope #Game #Console #Gamepad #for #Switch #Pro #for Wireless Bluetooth-compatible Game Remote Controller Joystick 6-axis Gyroscope Game Console Gamepad for Switch Pro for 100% brand new and high quality Features: Bluetooth-compatible connection is stable and convenient, use Bluetooth-compatible wireless connection technology, high-speed signal transmission is stable without delay, get rid of the distance limitation of the wired gamepad, so that the game experience is free to play. Gamepad adopts double vibration design to sense the collision, shock wave, battle and other scenes in the game, and generate vibration effects, which enhances the plot and scene substitution of the game. Different impact strength and different intensity feedback can provide a more exquisite and rich game experience. Ergonomic design, very comfortable to hold, suitable for playing games for a long time, enjoy the fun of the game. Support 6-axis gyroscope function, built-in dual motors, more stable and delicate vibration. Buttons and joysticks with highly sensitive and accuracy. Perfect gift for yourself or your friends. Specification: Product name: Wireless Gamepad Connection method: Bluetooth-compatible connection Power supply: built-in 400mAh lithium battery Interface type: Type-C Compatible: suitable for Switch Pro game console, for Switch Lite Controller, for Win7+ notebook and laptop, mobile phone/television/media box. Material: ABS Size: app.17.5x12x6cm/6.89x4.72x2.36in Color: Red+Blue+Black Quantity: 1set Note: Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 x Bluetooth-compatible Gamepad 1 x Charging Cable 1 x Instruction Manual(other accessories demo in the picture is not inclu
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HUA-Q8 Q8Plus Smartphone Tablet Mobile Gamepad Controller Joystick Phone Rocker Joypad with Suction Cup

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Description: This game joystick is designed with a suction cup, which is easy to install and not easy to damage the screen. It is easy to operate and provides you with an easier and more convenient way to play, making your game play more exciting. Made of high-quality metal and silicone materials with exquisite appearance, it is very durable for long-term use. The length of the product is 3.5cm, the width is 3.5cm, and the height is 0.5cm. This joystick is suitable for most smartphones and tablets, and is very practical. Item Name: Game Joystick Material:Metal,Silicone Model: Q8 Q8Plus Size:3.5cmx3.5cmx0.5cm/1.38inx1.38inx0.2in Notes: Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Includes: 1 X Game Joystick 1 X Storage
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YANG 2Pcs Boxing Game Player Chrome Arcade Joystick Shaft Extender For SANWA Shimizu .

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Product name: Joystick Shaft Extender Product material: stainless steel Product size: as picture Package includes: 2 x Joystick Shaft Ext
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Q8 Plus Round Game Joystick Game Joystick Controller Touch Tablet Screen For Mobile Gamepad O3O9

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features: will not easy to damage the touch screen. mini size and lightweight, easy to carry and use. suitable for most smart phones and tablets, very practical. easy to install and use, make your game experience more exciting. details: item name: phone game joystick material: metal + silicone quantity: 1pc vibration mode: force feedback features: easy to install, universal, mini, round diameter: 3.5cm/1.38" (approx.) thickness: 0.5cm/0.2" (approx.) notes: due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. package includes:1 x phone game joystick Have a nice day! Welcome to visit.Hope you have a nice day! we will be ready to reply you ASAP. If you need more this item ,you can contact us.we will give you our best price. Leave your messa
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HSV Replacement Left Right 3D Analog Control Joystick For Sony PS Vita PSV 2000

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#Replacement #Left #Right #3D #Analog #Control #Joystick #For #Sony #PS #Vita #PSV #2000 Replacement Left Right 3D Analog Control Joystick For Sony PS Vita PSV 2000 Description: Features: 100% brand new and high quality New generic replacement analog joystick button for Sony PS Vita 1000 Enhance accurate movements while playing on your Sony PSV Replace that old, worn out, dirty, sticky joystick with a brand new one Installation is simple and can be done without technical knowledge Easy to remove and install Specifications: Item Name: 3D Analog Joystick Material: Plastic+Metal Color: Black Size: 1.9×1.7×1.8cm/0.75×0.67×0.71in (Approx.) Left / Right 3D Analog Joystick Compatible with: Sony PS Vita PSV 2000 Quantity: 1 PC (other accessories demo in the picture is not included) Note: 1.Transition: 1cm=10mm=0.39inch 2.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. 3.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 X 3D Analog Joystick (No retail pac
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HSV Single Vibration Dual Joystick Gamepad Wired USB Game Controller For PC Laptop

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#Single #Vibration #Dual #Joystick #Gamepad #Wired #USB #Game #Controller #For #PC #Laptop Single Vibration Dual Joystick Gamepad Wired USB Game Controller For PC Laptop Description: Features: 100% brand new and high quality. Works great for many old and new PC games. Reasonable ergonomic design, feeling is more comfortable, not easy to fatigue your hands. Single vibration feedback motor in dual gamepads, soft-touch, easy grab buttons, giving you a more realistic gaming experience. Long USB cable is connected to your game equipment in a sufficient visual range. Plug-and-play, easy installation with no software required. Analog + Digital dual fighting setting. 8-way direction pad. 12 fire button. USB compatible. Third-party product, NOT original. Specifications: Item Type: Gamepad Material: ABS Color: Black Interface: Wired Size: 155×97×52mm/6.10×3.82×2.05in (Approx.) Cable Length: Approx. 1.5m/4.92ft Connection: USB 2.0 Compatible with: Windows/95/98/ME/2000/XP Vista/Win7/Win10 Quantity: 1 Set (other accessories demo in the picture is not included) Note: 1.Transition: 1cm=10mm=0.39inch 2.Please allow 0-1cm error due to manual measurement. pls make sure you do not mind before you bid. 3.Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thank you! Package includes: 1 X Dual Wired Game Controller (No retail package) 1 X CD
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Tay cầm Joy-con OEM cho Nintendo Switch full tính năng

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Tính năng: 1. Thiết kế lồi và lõm trái và phải, dễ cầm nắm và tạo cảm giác thoải mái. 2. Hỗ trợ kết nối có dây, cũng có thể kết nối không dây qua Bluetooth. 3. Chức năng rung Somatosensory (nhắm mục tiêu hỗ trợ tinh chỉnh Somatosensory, nhắm mục tiêu nhanh và chính xác). 4. Thiết kế riêng biệt trái và phải, tay cầm trái và phải có thể được sử dụng riêng biệt để đáp ứng nhu cầu cá nhân của bạn. 5. Thích hợp cho máy chơi game. Đặc điểm kỹ thuật: Tình trạng: mới 100% Loại sản phẩm: Tay cầm chơi game bluetooth không dây Chất liệu: ABS Màu tùy chọn: trắng, đỏ xanh, xám đậm Trọng lượng: Xấp xỉ. 168g Loại giao diện: Loại C Điện áp: DC 5V Pin: Pin lithium tích hợp Dung lượng pin: L: 160mAh r: 160mAh Khoảng cách Bluetooth: khoảng 8-10 m/26.2-32.8ft Thời gian làm việc: thời gian để chơi trò chơi rung: ≤ 10h Thời gian không hoạt động: 20h Danh sách đóng gói: 2 x Tay cầm chơi game 1 x Cáp sạc 1 x Hướng dẫn 2 x Dây buộc 1 x G
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LIC_ Q8 Q8Plus Smartphone Tablet Mobile Gamepad Controller Joystick Phone Rocker Joypad with Suction Cup

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Description: This game joystick is designed with a suction cup, which is easy to install and not easy to damage the screen. It is easy to operate and provides you with an easier and more convenient way to play, making your game play more exciting. Made of high-quality metal and silicone materials with exquisite appearance, it is very durable for long-term use. The length of the product is 3.5cm, the width is 3.5cm, and the height is 0.5cm. This joystick is suitable for most smartphones and tablets, and is very practical. Item Name: Game Joystick Material:Metal,Silicone Model: Q8 Q8Plus Size:3.5cmx3.5cmx0.5cm/1.38inx1.38inx0.2in Notes: Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Includes: 1 X Game Joystick 1 X Storage
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Dsvn 2Pcs Boxing Game Player Chrome Arcade Joystick Shaft Extender For SANWA Shimizu HOT

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Product name: Joystick Shaft Extender Product material: stainless steel Product size: as picture Package includes: 2 x Joystick Shaft Ext
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【ArtGloriousLong】 2Pcs Boxing Game Player Chrome Arcade Joystick Shaft Extender For SANWA Shimizu VN

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Product name: Joystick Shaft Extender Product material: stainless steel Product size: as picture Package includes: 2 x Joystick Shaft Ext
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Controller Handle Console Game Joystick Gamepad Game Controller Universal Portable Touch Screen Durable

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Description: Model: Q10 Color: red, blue, yellow Material: ABS+PC Scope of application: all mobile phones under 6.5 inches should be used by mobile phone users Product size: rocker: 2.7cm in diameter, 0.6cm in thickness, storage box: 4*4.5*0.7cm Note: Please allow 1-3mm differs due to manual measurement. Due to the different display and different light, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. Thanks. The Mobile Mini Joystick Combines purely physical manipulation, only need to press the pressure on the phone screen, allowing players to -completely abandon the analog joystick, providing immersive gaming experience, and can deal with a variety of complex games. The Joystick is Lightweight,Mini Design - Made of special spring material. The rocker around the spiral pattern, can increase the elasticity of plastic; so that when that receives power, the rocker can automatically return to the center. The joystick gives you a real physical joystick for increased precision with touchscreen based games. Any game that has an on-screen control pad of some kind is perfect for the joystick.It is compatible with all touch screen devices. The game joystick gives you a real physical joystick for increased precision with touchscreen based games. Packing list: 1 * Game joystick, 1 * Storage box #game joystick#Gamepad#game controller#Replacement#game accessories#Joypad#Handle#Rocker#Controller#Gifts#console#tr
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Gongjing1 Black USB Dual Shock PC Computer Wired Gamepad Game Controller Joystick VN

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FEATURES: • brand new and high quality •Works great for many old and new PC games. •The reasonable human body construction design felling is more comfortable. •Dual Vibration feedback motors, Soft-Touch, easy grab buttons. •Plug-and-play, easy installation with no software required. •Analog + Digital Dual fighting setting. •8-way direction pad. •12 fire button and 4 Axis. •USB compatible. Package include:1*Handle r
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LIC_ 2Pcs E9 Gaming Triggers Portable Multifunctional Stable Gaming Joystick Trigger Gamepads for Mobile Mobiles

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Description: Side buttons on your phone won't be affected when you use it. And the internal slot design avoids accidentally pressing the lock screen or volume button to interrupt the game. With high sensitivity, you can play the game quickly, steadily and continuously for a long time with no delay. Having light weight and compact size, it is easy to carry. Adopting premium ABS and aluminium alloy material, it is durable and wear-resistant. With soft rubber contact, it won't scratch the screen. The length of the gaming trigger is approx 5.3cm, the width is approx 3.4cm and the height is approx 2.2cm. It is suitable for almost all smart phone models. Due to exquisite shape and extraordinary hand feeling, it will let you enjoy the pleasure of the game playing. Item Name: Gaming Trigger Material:Aluminum Alloy,ABS Model: E9 Applicable Equipment: for Smart Phones Size Details: Size: 5.3cm x 3.4cm x 2.2cm/2.09" x 1.34" x 0.87" (Approx.) Notes: Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. Package Includes: 2 X Gaming Trig
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joystick hải phòng

joystick hải phòng
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