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Cập nhật: 04/12/2021
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Máy tạo khói sương hơi nước kết hợp Đèn led đổi màu cho hồ bán cạn, hồ cá
ftb score rating icon 9.8
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Đĩa sủi O2 có đèn led đổi màu cho hồ cá, hồ thủy sinh
ftb score rating icon 9.4
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
đèn phòngĐèn diệt khuẩn tia cực tím hồ cá, lọc nước ao tảo, khử trùng, trùng cá xanh tích hợp
ftb score rating icon 10
FTB Score

Top 30 đèn tia cực tím cho hồ cá

Máy tạo khói sương hơi nước kết hợp Đèn led đổi màu cho hồ bán cạn, hồ cá

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ftb score rating icon 9.8

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Lưu ý: Shopee không cho xem hàng khi nhận. Khách hàng nhận hàng nếu lỗi xin vui lòng gọi theo số điện thoại in trên hóa đơn giao hàng. Shop cam kết sản phẩm như hình. Máy tạo khói kết hợp đèn led 7 màu cho hồ bán cạn, hồ cá. Máy tự động tạo khói bằng hơi nước nhìn rất lung linh, huyền ảo. Máy sử dụng nguồn 25v nên rất an toàn và tiết kiệm điện tiêu thụ. Hướng dẫn sử dụng: Cắm điện trực tiếp nguồn điện 220v. Lưu ý, máy nên đặt dưới nước, ko được đặt trên cạn khi test máy. Lưu ý: Sản phẩm được thử trước khi giao cho khách hàng nên hàng có thể có tí nước. Nếu khách không yêu cầu test máy bên mình sẽ gửi mà không test máy. #Cá-cảnh #Lọc-sunsun #Hẹn-giờ-điện-tử-kerde #Phụ-kiện-cá-cảnh #Phụ-kiện-thủy-sinh #Đèn-led-hồ-cá-thủy-sinh #Kéo-thủy-sinh ##Lọc-váng #Van-điện #Cạo-rêu #Thức-ăn-cá-cảnh #Quạt-làm-mát-hồ-thủy-sinh #Sủi-CO2 #Bình-CO2-thủy-sinh #tạo
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Đĩa sủi O2 có đèn led đổi màu cho hồ cá, hồ thủy sinh

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.4

Mô tả

Đĩa sủi O2 có đèn led đổi màu cho hồ cá, hồ thủy sinh Công dụng: Dùngtrang trí trong hồ cá, hồ thủy sinh, tiểu cảnh non bộ. Đèn led sáng và tự đổi màu nên nhìn rất đẹp. Ngoài ra còn tích hợp sủi O2 trong hồ và đèn sáng khi đó các bóng khí sẽ có màu sắc nhìn rất đẹp, nhìn như núi lửa đang phun trào. Hướng dẫn sử dụng: Cắm điện trực tiếp nguồn 220v, nguồn đi theo tự điều chỉnh về 5v nên không gây hại cho cá/tép trong hồ. Cắm O2 trực tiếp vào đèn. Lưu ý: Đĩa không bao gồm máy thổi O2. #Cá-cảnh #Lọc-sunsun #Hẹn-giờ-điện-tử-kerde #Phụ-kiện-cá-cảnh #Phụ-kiện-thủy-sinh #Đèn-led-hồ-cá-thủy-sinh #Kéo-thủy-sinh ##Lọc-váng #Van-điện #Cạo-rêu #Thức-ăn-cá-cảnh #Quạt-làm-mát-hồ-thủy-sinh #Sủi-CO2 #Bình-CO2-thủy-sinh #ISTA #Thức-ăn-cá-vàng #ba
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đèn phòngĐèn diệt khuẩn tia cực tím hồ cá, lọc nước ao tảo, khử trùng, trùng cá xanh tích hợp

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ftb score rating icon 10

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Quý khách có nhu cầu hủy đơn hàng vui lòng liên hệ để chúng tôi hỗ trợ chăm sóc khách hàng. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc đề xuất nào, bạn có thể trò chuyện từ thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu trước khi có dịch vụ này chúng tôi sẽ gọi lại cho bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất. Phiên bản nâng cấp có công tắc Phiên bản nâng cấp với thời gian Phiên bản chuyển đổi có mũ trùm Phiên bản nâng cấp có mũ trùm Đèn diệt khuẩn UV 3W Đèn diệt khuẩn UV 5W Đèn diệt khuẩn UV 7W 9W Đèn diệt khuẩn UV Đèn diệt khuẩn UV 11W Đèn diệt khuẩn U
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Đèn Chiếu Tia Cực Tím Cho Hồ Cá Cảnh

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Description: --Suppress harmful bacteria in water. --Prevent bacterial growth and algae breeding. --Keep the water clear. --Independent power switch is great for safer use. --By ultraviolet irradiation, the DNA of the microorganism is destroyed and its reproductive ability is lost, and most of the bacteria and algae in the water are killed, thereby restoring healthy water. --Made of high quality materials, more durable. --The tail is made of insulating material to make it waterproof and more secure. The multi-stage sealing ring can be used for diving. --The scope of application is not only fish tanks, but also rockery fountains, fish ponds and aquaculture. Specifications: --Wattage: 5W/7W/9W/11W/13W/15W/18W/22W --Plug Type: EU --Voltage: 220V --Body Material: Quartz Glass --Lamp Length: 20cm(3W/5W/7W) , 23cm(9W/11W/13W) --Cable Length: Approx. 210cm Package Included: 1* lamp tube 1* sucker 1* controller 1 * power
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Đèn LED MÁNG NHÔM cho hồ cá thuỷ sinh từ 1M - 1M4 (UY TÍN - CHẤT LƯỢNG)

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.8

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👉 CAM KẾT GIÁ TỐT NHẤT SHOPEE, khách hàng có thể tham khảo giá các shop khác để so sánh và đặt hàng nha, sỉ inbox, mua nhiều inbox! Đèn LED màu trắng xanh kẹp thành hồ cá thủy sinh size 1m2 - 1m4 MÁNG NHÔM là loại vật dụng không chỉ giúp trang trí bể cá hồ cá cảnh thủy sinh của bạn có không gian đẹp hơn mà còn có tác dụng cung cấp ánh sáng và có vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình sinh trưởng của sinh vật và các loài thủy sinh,... Thông tin sản phẩm Đèn bể cá cảnh từ 1m2 - 1m4: Phân loại sản phẩm : ✅ Dài 100cm công suất 22w sáng trắng,2 màu led xanh trắng kết hợp xen kẽ dành cho hồ cá, thủy sinh dài từ 100 đến 120cm ✅ Dài 120cm công suất 28w sáng trắng,2 màu led xanh trắng kết hợp xen kẽ dành cho hồ cá, thủy sinh dài từ 120 đến 140cm Sử dụng nguồn 220V 50 HZ Công suất: 22w - 28W Xuất Xứ: Trung Quốc Đặc điểm : - Đèn được thiết kế tông màu xám đen là chủ đạo . - 4 hàng LED, LED xanh trắng kết hợp - Đèn LED giúp tiết kiệm điện - 2 chân kẹp 2 bên có thể tăng giảm linh hoạt - Khe gác của chân dễ dàng sử dụng 🐟 Hệ thống bóng đèn LED màu xanh và trắng tạo ra hiệu ứng ánh sáng tuyệt vời 🐟 Thiết kế thanh lịch, dễ dàng kẹp lên thành bể, rất chắc chắn 🐟 Chất liệu: Nhôm siêu bền kết hợp sơn cách điện 🐟 Hệ thống khép kín, chống thấm nước, chống rò điện, tuyệt đối an toàn 🐟 Dễ sử dụng, chỉ việc cắm vào ổ điện, có công tắc bật tắt CAM KẾT - Sản phẩm chất lượng và thông số như mô tả - Hoàn tiền 100% nếu shop giao sai sản phẩm hoặc sản phẩm không đúng chất lượng như công bố - Giá cả cạnh tranh , giá tốt nhất , giao hàng nhanh và hỗ trợ khách nhiệt tình BẢO HÀNH : 👉 BẢO HÀNH 1 đổi 1 trong vòng 1 tháng kế từ ngày mua dành cho khách hàng mua sản phẩm tại shop ------------------------------------- #denhoca #denchohoca #denbecacanh #denbecacanhmini #denbecamini #denhocamini #đèn-thủy-sinh #DenLED #LED #HoCa #BeCa # #đènthủysinh #đènled #đènledhồcá #đènledthủysinh #đènhồcá #đènledmáng #đènmángledhồcá #đènledmánghồcá #đènhồcá #đènthủysinh #denledbeca #denhocacanh #đènhồcácảnh #đènledhồthủysinh #đènledhồcá1m #den-ho-ca #đèn-hồ-cá #đèn_hồ_cá #đèn_ho_ca #đèn_hồ_thủy_sinh #den_ho_thuy_sinh #đèn_led_hồ_cá #den_led_ho_ca #denledhoca #đènbểcá #đèn_bể_cá #denbeca #den_
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đèn UV tia cực tím diệt khuẩn bể cá

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Đèn UV tia cực tím để Diệt khuẩn, ức chế rêu, diệt tảo xanh (gây đục nước, xanh nước nước sẽ trong sau 2 ngày sử dụng. Giết vi khuẩn gây ra mầm bệnh cho cá và các bào tử nấm ký sinh khử trùng và lắng nước giúp bộ lọc xử lý chất lượng nước tốt hơn. Sử dụng tia UVC, ống thủy tinh truyền tải tia cực tím đạt hiệu quả cao. - Thông số kỹ thuật: Điện áp: 220V; Tần số: 60/50Hz; 7w-9w Công dụng: Diệt tảo xanh, ức chế rêu hại, diệt khuẩn bể cá Lưu ý: - Đèn được lắp với máy bơm ( ngăn bơm) . Nước sẽ chạy qua đèn đạt hiệu quả tối đa. - Không để ánh sáng đèn trực tiếp vào mắt người, cá và các động, thực vật dưới nước khác để tránh trấn thương. - Đèn phải ngập dưới nước, không sử dụng đèn khi kính đèn bị vỡ - sử dụng liên tục 24/24 khi hồ bị tảo xanh tấn công. - Tắt nguồn điện trước khi cho tay vào nước đối với những bể không có vị trí lắp đèn phù hợp, liên hệ 0902198991 để được shop tư
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Đèn tia uv tia cực tím khử trùng bể cá chuyên dụng

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Package Included: 1* lamp tube 1* sucker 1* controller 1 * power plug 1* timer Specifications: --Wattage: 5W/7W/9W/11W/13W/15W/18W/22W --Plug Type: EU/US --Voltage: 220V/110V --Body Material: Quartz Glass --Lamp Length: 20cm(3W/5W/7W) , 23cm(9W/11W/13W) --Cable Length: Approx. 210cm Description: --Suppress harmful bacteria in water. --Prevent bacterial growth and algae breeding. --Keep the water clear. --Independent power switch is great for safer use. --By ultraviolet irradiation, the DNA of the microorganism is destroyed and its reproductive ability is lost, and most of the bacteria and algae in the water are killed, thereby restoring healthy water. --Made of high quality materials, more durable. --The tail is made of insulating material to make it waterproof and more secure. The multi-stage sealing ring can be used for diving. --The scope of application is not only fish tanks, but also rockery fountains, fish ponds and aquacul
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Đèn led hồ cá Caibao 60cm (gói 3 lớp siêu chắc)

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Đèn led chìm cho hồ cá. Có nhiều màu + Trắng + Trắng xanh + xanh lá + xanh dương + hồng + 3 màu (dương/lá/hồng) - Đèn để chìm trong hồ cá hoặc trên mặt hồ cá, hòn non bộ. - Có thể dùng làm đèn để ngoài sân, ban công, trang trí, đèn ngủ... - Sản phẩm không được bảo hành #đènledhồcámini #đènledbểcámini #đènbểcá #đènthủysinh #đènledthủy sinh #ledchìm #đènledhồcá #đènhồcá #caibao #đènledbểcá #đènledchìmbểcá #đènbểcácảnh #đènbểcáthủysinh #đènledchìm #đènhồcáthủysinh #đèntrangtríbểcá #dentaokhoi #mayta
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Đèn Led Uv 5 7 9 11 Watt Tia Cực Tím Trang Trí Bể Cá

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Please select per watt / match needs Consider options and photos at command Light to help prevent mosses from growing algae causing water to become green This light also removes bacteria Please order as you please. Size can check in the
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá

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♡TIR UV Germicidal For Aquarium Ultraviolet Sterilizer Lamp Submersible EU Plug Features: Strict control to ensure good quality. Complete specification for different requirement. Use UVC quartz glass tube, high transmission of ultraviolet ray. The UV lamp products strong ultraviolet rays, which has the high effective of sterilization. Specification: Color: Blue Voltage:220-240V 50Hz/60Hz Life span: 8000hours Power: 5W/ 7W/ 9W/ 11W/ 13W Size: Type/ Length/ Diameter UV-5/ 205mm/22mm UV-7/ 205mm/22mm UV-9/ 245mm/22mm UV-11/ 245mm/22mm UV-13/ 245mm/22mm Package size: 290*80*45mm Plug: EU Plug Package Include: 1 x Bactericidal lamp Notes: Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item. We guarantee the style is the same as shown in the pictures.
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Set 2 Bóng Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá 9w G23

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2PCS 9W G23 Base Aquarium Fish Tank UV Sterilizer Purifier Bulbs Germicidal Ultraviolet Replacement Light BulbsThis is an excellent UV light bulb. It can be widely used for aquarium fish tank sterilizer, germicidal and air cleaner as replacement bulbs. Features: Excellent quality, highly cost effective. Replacement bulbs for UV sterilizer or air cleaner. Help to sterilize and keep a healthy environment for fish tank. Test We Passed: Our product has passed test of CE and ROHS. Note: This UV sterilizer light bulb is used with electronic ballast, please don't use it with alternating current(AC), or it will burn out. Specifications: Type: H Type Tube Material: Quartz Glass Tube Rated Voltage: 120-220V Wave Length: 254 Rated Power: 9W Base Type: G23 Chroma: 254/185 Product Size: 16.3 * 3.2cm / 6.42 * 1.26"(L * W) Product Weight: 27.5g / 0.97oz(Each) Package Included: 2 * Light
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Product description: Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light Submersible Water Clean Lamp for Pond Fish Tank - Suppress harmful bacteria in the water - Prevent bacterial growth and algae reproduction. - Reduce the prevalence of fish. - Keep the water clear. - A separate power switch is ideal for safer use. - By ultraviolet radiation, the microbial DNA is destroyed, its reproductive capacity is lost, and most of the bacteria and algae in the water are killed, thereby restoring healthy moisture. - Made of high quality materials for durability. - The tail is made of insulating material, which is waterproof and safer. Multi-stage seals are available for diving. - The scope of application is not only fish tanks, but also rockery fountains, fish ponds and aquaculture. PS: 1. This product can emit effective ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays have a certain amount of damage to the human body. Please do not observe with the eye. Direct exposure can hurt people's eyes and skin. Direct exposure to living things is prohibited. -It is recommended to turn on the lights for about 3 hours each time. It is forbidden to turn on the lights continuously for more than 6 hours. -The germicidal lamp can only be used for the filter tank. It can not be used directly in the fish tank, otherwise the fish will be injured or killed due to long-term ultraviolet radiata
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Đèn Led Tia Cực Tím Chiếu Sáng Bể Cá

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Features: In Order To Make It More Convenient To Sterilize The Interior Of The Car, We Specially Designed The Germicidal Lamp Of The Cigarette Lighter Connector, Which Can Be Directly Connected To The Cigarette Lighter Interface For Power Supply. At The Same Time, There Is Also A Usb Connector Style That Can Be Externally Connected To A Mobile Power Supply For Disinfection. Bacteria, As Convenient As Home. Specification: Product Name: Car Led Germicidal Lamp Product Material: Pc Product Style: Germicidal Lamp With Cigarette Lighter, Germicidal Lamp With Usb Interface Product Color: Black Lamp Body Size: 225 * 12Mm Charging Cable Length: 94Cm Product Power Supply: Usb Charging Or Cigarette Lighter Charging Product Voltage: Dc 5V Product Power: 5W Product Light Source: 12 Smd5050 Lamp Beads Light Color: Uv Purple Beam Angle: 120 Degrees Light Color Temperature: 6500K Ultraviolet Wavelength: 380-400Nm Effective Range: 3-5 Square Meters Protection Level: Ip45 Effective Life: 50000H Package Includes: 1 * Led Germicidal Lamp Weight Of Germicidal Lamp With Cigarette Lighter: 60.3G Packed In Electrostatic Bag Weight With Usb Germicidal Lamp: 44.5G Packed In Electrostati
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Lọc Nước Bể Cá

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❆❆ 220-240V Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lights Fish Tank Ultraviolet Lamp Submersible Bactericide Disinfection Water Filter Cleaner Purifier 9/11/13W Feature: High quality filament, excellent performance, energy saving. Quartz glass tube, high UV transmittance. Powerful suction cup, can adjust the position freely. Fully submersible, safe and waterproof design. Suitable for controlling harmful bacteria in fish tanks and aquariums. Specification: Material: quartz glass Color: as shown Wavelength: 254nm Voltage: 110V Frequency: 50/60Hz Cable length: 2m/6.56ft Plug: US Power Size UV Exposure 9W 22cm/8.66in 20μW/cm2 11W 25cm/9.84in 25μW/cm2 13W 28cm/11.02in 30μW/cm2 Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-3cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Included: 1 X Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light 1 X US Plug 1 X User Ma
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Đèn Uva Nd-05 Chiếu Tia Cực Tím Trang Trí Bể Cá

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Hello! Nice to meet you! Welcome to our shop! Check out our shop daily for the latest products We are an ethical business where prices are always affordable and reasonable No worries! You are guaranteed to be satisfied with the quality of our products It is checked rigorously multiple times before it reaches you Feel free to contact us if you have any questions Have a nice day and don’t forget to give us 5 stars if you enjoy your product Thank you for visiting! Hope you have an outstanding shopping experience! Basking uv light uva suitable for your favorite land tortoise Frosted white Size: 8x
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá Tiện Dụng

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Welcome to the shop The stable source of goods provided by the shop.Customer provides a first-hand source of goods, the lowest quality of price pressure is best Win-win Sale of all goods at the store wholesale price, can be called good price, subscript remarks style number, After bid, we can use chat or remarks to tell us the color. To be more convenient and quick to answer your questions, you can talk directly about communication and be grateful Store is generally for you, order will be sent for you immediately Please give five stars good reviews for our goods and services. if you have any questions, please contact us on the chat. Thank you for comingSincere service Instructions for shopping: The perfect goods, the perfect goods, the flawless. 5w sterilizer lamp long 14cm 7w sterilizer lamp long 17cm Mechanical timer 9w sterilizer lamp long 20cm 11w sterilization lamp long 23.5cm 20w sterilizer lamp long 3
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Đèn Uv 11w Chiếu Tia Cực Tím Màu Xanh Lá Dùng Để Trang Trí Hồ Cá

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Ace aquarium The shopping 's satisfied with the right price, lest shop! Excellence: ~ seller will always check the condition first, and packaging layered so that the package can safely reach its destination, amen ~ believed to be a powerful weapon for removing green water in the koi pond ~ sterilizing & emitting uv light that kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and fish diseases ~ the pool became clearer ~ electricity saving, eco 6% ~ fish are healthy and not easily sick Specs: ~ model: The uv lamp Voltage: 220v 50 hz Power: 11 watts ~ 28cm long light lamp Where did uv put it? ~ uv lamp put in a barrel, filters closed in the pool ~ it should not be seen directly by the eyes of either man or fish, because it can cause blindness or death in fish Attention: ~ made of glass, high risk of rupture, recommended delivery of gojek ~ before sending it always checks first, qc pass ~ no compulsion, seduction buying here, all buying and selling must be at risk ~ there is no warranty if broken, or damaged, especially because of the negligence of the courier, no claim no return ~ minimize cracks, buy insurance + add bubbe wrap as much as possible ~ read or not, buy = agree Important to read: > monday - saturday (sunday & red date off!!) > goods will be sent with the gojek / grab / expedition on the same day for the order entering before 15: 00 > the order that comes in after 15: 00 is sent the next day starting at 10: 00 (specializing in motorcycle taxi / grab) > saturday above 15: 00 a.m. Sent monday > estimated delivery of oke-reg services in jabodetabek area 1-4 working days, outside jabodetabek 2-7 working days (depending on the destination regional courier) > just order it, sorry if you don 't respond slow (focus on packing) Thank you for your visit ~ thank you for vis
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá

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This product has ultraviolet sterilization function, can effectively keep fish tank clean and bright.It's very simple to use and it works very well. Characteristics: High-quality filament can achieve high performance and energy saving effect. Explosion-proof quartz glass tube is adopted, and ultraviolet light is transmitted through high rate. Powerful suction cup, free to adjust position. Safe waterproof design, can be fully submersible use. Independent power switch is very suitable for safe use. Suitable for controlling malignant bacteria in aquariums and fish tank. Specifications: Watts: 5w/7w/9w/11w/13w (optional) Plug type: eu/usa (optional) Voltage: eu: ac220-240v us: ac110-120v Material: quartz glass Cable length: approximately 150cm/59 inches Product size (d x l): 5w/7w: 20x177 mm/0.8x6.97 inches 9w: 20x220 mm/0.8x8.66 inches 11w/13w: 20x240 mm/0.8x9.45 inches Product weight: 5w/7w: 125g 9w: 134 g 11w/13w: 144 g :: packing size (long x wide x high) 5w/7w: 23x7.5x4cm/9.1x2.95x1.57 inches 9w: 26x7.5x4cm/10.2x2.95x1.57 inches 11w/13w: 28x7.5x4cm/11x2.95x1.57 inches Packing weight: 5w/7w: 168g 9w: 182g 11w/13w: 190g Note: -sterilizer should be placed in a filter and not directly in a fish tank. -the product can be used for diving. -please turn off the power supply during use and stop using it immediately if the bulb comes in. -ultraviolet rays can directly harm the skin and eyes of people. please do not expose them to use. Recommendations for use: Please select the appropriate light according to the size of your fish tank and filter. 3-4 times a week, no more than 2 hours a day, please, as the situation may be. Packing list: 1 x fish tank uv sterilization lamp 2 x s
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Diệt Khuẩn Trang Trí Bể Cá

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Description: Item type:Germicidal Lamp Specifications: 5W (European / GB), 7W (European / GB), 9W (European / GB), 11W (European / GB), 13W (European / GB), 5W (British), 7W (British), 9W (British), 11W (British), 13W (British) Color: Blue Voltage:220-240V 50Hz/60Hz Life span: 8000hours Power: 5W/ 7W/ 9W/ 11W/ 13W Size: Type/ Length/ Diameter UV-5/ 165mm/19mm UV-7/ 185mm/ 19mm UV-9/ 225mm/ 19mm UV-11/ 245mm/ 19mm UV-13/ 245mm/ 19mm Package size: 290*80*45mm Weight: 210g Material: quartz glass Packing list: Germicidal Lamp*1 Notes: The colors deviation might differ due to different monitor settings, please kindly unders
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Đèn Led Uv 11 Watt Tia Cực Tím Trang Trí Bể Cá

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'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' 1. We 're packing as safe as possible using free bubble wrap + dus + sticker fragile. 2. Therefore, any damage caused by shipping is not the responsibility of the seller. Might be able to claim to his immediate delivery service. 3. Checkout order on the purchase page 4. Buy = agree ------------------------------------------------- Light to help prevent mosses from growing algae causing water to become green This light also removes bacteria Warning: This uv light don 't get caught by fish because fish will be blind and dead Use: Put the uv light in the pool filter and turn on the uv light In 1-2 days the pool will be clear water clean (only for filters) 11 watt = p 24cm + d 1.8cm (500l - 1450l w
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Đèn bể cá ❤️FREESHIP❤️ Đèn thuỷ sinh WRGB 6 dãy bóng, đèn led máng cho bể cá 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm

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Đèn bể cá ❤️FREESHIP❤️ Đèn thuỷ sinh WRGB 6 dãy bóng, đèn led máng cho bể cá 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm Đèn led máng dành cho bể thủy sinh 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm - Đèn led cho bể 20cm có 6 dãy cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, tôm giá rẻ cho hồ kích thước 20-30 công suất 10W - Đèn led cho bể 30cm có 6 dãy cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, tôm giá rẻ cho hồ kích thước 30-40 công suất 13W - Đèn led cho bể 40cm có 6 dãy cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, tôm giá rẻ cho hồ kích thước 40-50 công suất 18W - Đèn led cho bể 50cm có 6 dãy cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, tôm giá rẻ cho hồ kích thước 50-60 công suất 22W - Đèn led cho bể 60cm có 6dãy cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, tôm giá rẻ cho hồ kích thước 60-70 công suất 24W Đèn led 64 dãy dạng máng tiết kiệm điện cho hồ cá, thủy sinh, hồ tôm. Đèn gát thành hồ, thiết kế tinh xảo (màu trắng sữa), nhỏ gọn. Gán chân có thể kéo dài ra được. Thành tiếp xúc với thành hồ có khe cắm cho hồ kính 5ly và 8ly. Chế độ bảo hành: sản phẩm được bảo hành đổi mới miễn phí trong vòng 7 ngày nếu lỗi do nhà sản xuất #denled #đèn #denledthuysinh #denthuysinh #aquablu #thuysinh #denledmang #denthuysinh #denmang #denled #denhoca #denbeca #denx5 #densieusang #behot #denbethuysinh #locbethuysinh #bethuysinhmini #denlechobe50 #denledchobe40 #denledchobe30 #denledchobe60 #denledchobethuysinh #denchobethu
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá Tiện Dụng

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Welcome to our store. all the products in the store are available (order note) Some of these sizes are out of stock, please contact the seller before bid "Shopping instructions" 1. welcome to my mint. we are committed to providing you with good and cheap goods. there are new ones every day (you can also tell us what you need. we buy them directly from the factory and the old and new buyers sell them at cost). 2. we are an overseas store. your order will be arranged for you the same day after bid. , 4. please take the package in time after arrival (the maximum period is within 7 days after arrival). failure to take the package or beyond the time taken will result in our direct loss of the packageThe date of delivery is based on the receipt of the newsletter and the completion time shown on the order page 5. our products are shipped directly by the manufacturer. if there are any quality problems: fewer pieces, wrong goods, defective goods, etc., please contact us promptly and take photos to leave evidence.Don't worry about negative comments. we 'll solve the problem for you. thank you 6. if you 're satisfied with the product, give me a five-star good opinion. if you' re not doing enough, please give us more advice. thanks Brand: lxhes/enjoy a favorite; Color classification: 3w explosion-proof sterilization lamp【One year warranty only changed】 5w explosion-proof sterilization lamp【One year warranty only changed】 7w explosion-proof sterilization lamp【One year warranty only changed】 9w explosion-proof sterilization lamp【One year warranty only changed】 11w explosion-proof sterilization lamp【One year warranty only changed】 3w explosion-proof sterilization lamp/one year quality assurance only change not repair【With timer】 5w explosion-proof sterilization lamp/one year quality assurance only change not repair【With timer】 7w explosion-proof sterilization lamp/one year quality assurance only change not repair【With timer】 9w explosion-proof sterilization lamp/one year quality assurance only change not repair【With timer】 11w explosion-proof sterilization lamp/one year quality assurance only change not repair【With timer】; Equipment: sterilization lamp; Cargo number: lx-uvd
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Welcome to the shop The stable source of goods provided by the shop.Customer provides a first-hand source of goods, the lowest quality of price pressure is best Win-win Sale of all goods at the store wholesale price, can be called good price, subscript remarks style number, After bid, we can use chat or remarks to tell us the color. To be more convenient and quick to answer your questions, you can talk directly about communication and be grateful Store is generally for you, order will be sent for you immediately Please give five stars good reviews for our goods and services. if you have any questions, please contact us on the chat. Thank you for comingSincere service Instructions for shopping: The perfect goods, the perfect goods, the flawless. 6w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 23cm (0.4-0.8m)+shield plate+antiseptic salt 6w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp timer 23cm (0.4-0.8m)+block+sterilizer salt 14w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 28cm (1.5m and above)+shield plate+bactericidal salt 12w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 28cm (1.2-1.5m)+shield plate+bactericidal salt 8w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp timer 23cm (0.8-1m)+shield plate+germicidal salt 10w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 28cm (1-1.2m)+shield plate+bactericidal salt 8w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 23cm (0.8-1m)+shield plate+bactericidal salt 10w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp timer 28cm (1-1.2m)+shield plate+germicidal salt 12w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp timer 28cm (1.2-1.5m)+block+sterilizer salt 3w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp 8.2 cm (below 40cm)+bactericidal salt 14w explosion-proof quartz germicidal lamp timer 28cm (1.5m and above)+block light board+germicidal
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Đèn Led Uv 7 Watt Tia Cực Tím Yamano Trang Trí Bể Cá

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'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' 1. We 're packing as safe as possible using free bubble wrap + dus + sticker fragile. 2. Therefore, any damage caused by shipping is not the responsibility of the seller. Might be able to claim to his immediate delivery service. 3. Checkout order on the purchase page 4. Buy = agree ------------------------------------------------- Light to help prevent mosses from growing algae causing water to become green This light also removes bacteria Warning: This uv light don 't get caught by fish because fish will be blind and dead Use: Put the uv light in the pool filter and turn on the uv light In 1-2 days the pool will be clear water clean (only for filters) 7 watt = p 17.5cm + d 1.8cm (350l - 950l w
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím 15w Khử Trùng Bể Cá

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Description of the 15w uv light aquarium lamp The 15w uv light aquarium lamp ~ eco 60% ~ saving energy / saving electricity Function: - cure fish diseases - remove bacteria / virus / mushroom / alhae / disease in fish. More information is drawn. There are 5 types: - uv light 5w = 18cm - uv light 7w = 20cm - uv light 9w = 24cm - uv light 11w = 28cm - uv light 15w = 32 cm (drawn) If you have any question, just ask via chat message (If you have any questions, ask directly via chat) Happy shop
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Bể Cá

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Welcome to the shop! The shop provides a stable supply of goods, designed for agents. Group purchase. Wholesale. Customers provide first-hand supply, , the best quality! Achieve win-win! !! All products in this store are at wholesale price, which is called good quality and low price. After subscripting, you can use chat or comment to tell us the color In order to answer your questions more conveniently and quickly, you can chat directly and communicate, thanks! !! !! Under special circumstances or manufacturers replenishment period will be delayed, thank you! If you are satisfied with our products and services, please give us a five-star praise. If you have any questions, please contact us on the chat. We are always online to serve you! Thanks for coming! Sincere service! Shopping Notes: The most perfect product, perfect appearance, flawless! Upgrade Timer 3W Quartz Explosion-proof Sterilization Lamp Upgrade Timer 5W Quartz Explosion-proof Sterilization Lamp Upgrade Timer 7W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp upgrade timer 9W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp upgrade timer 11W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp upgrade timer 13W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp timer+shade 3W quartz explosion-proof germicidal Lamp Timer+shading plate 5W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp Timer+shading plate 7W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp Timer+shading plate 9W quartz explosion-proof germicidal lamp Timer+shading plate 11W quartz Explosion-proof germicidal lamp timer + shading plate 13W quartz explosion-proof germicidal
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Nước Bể Cá

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✯✯ 220-240V Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lights Fish Tank Ultraviolet Lamp Submersible Bactericide Disinfection Water Filter Cleaner Purifier 9/11/13W Feature: High quality filament, excellent performance, energy saving. Quartz glass tube, high UV transmittance. Powerful suction cup, can adjust the position freely. Fully submersible, safe and waterproof design. Suitable for controlling harmful bacteria in fish tanks and aquariums. Specification: Material: quartz glass Color: as shown Wavelength: 254nm Voltage: 110V Frequency: 50/60Hz Cable length: 2m/6.56ft Plug: US Power Size UV Exposure 9W 22cm/8.66in 20μW/cm2 11W 25cm/9.84in 25μW/cm2 13W 28cm/11.02in 30μW/cm2 Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-3cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Included: 1 X Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light 1 X US Plug 1 X User Ma
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Nước Bể Cá

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220-240V Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lights Fish Tank Ultraviolet Lamp Submersible Bactericide Disinfection Water Filter Cleaner Purifier 9/11/13W Feature: High quality filament, excellent performance, energy saving. Quartz glass tube, high UV transmittance. Powerful suction cup, can adjust the position freely. Fully submersible, safe and waterproof design. Suitable for controlling harmful bacteria in fish tanks and aquariums. Specification: Material: quartz glass Color: as shown Wavelength: 254nm Voltage: 110V Frequency: 50/60Hz Cable length: 2m/6.56ft Plug: US Power Size UV Exposure 9W 22cm/8.66in 20μW/cm2 11W 25cm/9.84in 25μW/cm2 13W 28cm/11.02in 30μW/cm2 Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-3cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Included: 1 X Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light 1 X US Plug 1 X User Ma
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Nước Bể Cá

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** Welcome to Justforyou! Our store mainly sells Home and handicrafts. Please look carefully at the product details before ordering. If you have any questions, please ask customer service (Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm), I hope to bring you a good shopping experience! 220-240V Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lights Fish Tank Ultraviolet Lamp Submersible Bactericide Disinfection Water Filter Cleaner Purifier 9/11/13W Feature: High quality filament, excellent performance, energy saving. Quartz glass tube, high UV transmittance. Powerful suction cup, can adjust the position freely. Fully submersible, safe and waterproof design. Suitable for controlling harmful bacteria in fish tanks and aquariums. Specification: Material: quartz glass Color: as shown Wavelength: 254nm Voltage: 110V Frequency: 50/60Hz Cable length: 2m/6.56ft Plug: US Power Size UV Exposure 9W 22cm/8.66in 20μW/cm2 11W 25cm/9.84in 25μW/cm2 13W 28cm/11.02in 30μW/cm2 Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-3cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Included: 1 X Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light 1 X US Plug 1 X User Ma
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Đèn Tia Cực Tím Khử Trùng Nước Bể Cá

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220-240V Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lights Fish Tank Ultraviolet Lamp Submersible Bactericide Disinfection Water Filter Cleaner Purifier 9/11/13W Feature: High quality filament, excellent performance, energy saving. Quartz glass tube, high UV transmittance. Powerful suction cup, can adjust the position freely. Fully submersible, safe and waterproof design. Suitable for controlling harmful bacteria in fish tanks and aquariums. Specification: Material: quartz glass Color: as shown Wavelength: 254nm Voltage: 110V Frequency: 50/60Hz Cable length: 2m/6.56ft Plug: US Power Size UV Exposure 9W 22cm/8.66in 20μW/cm2 11W 25cm/9.84in 25μW/cm2 13W 28cm/11.02in 30μW/cm2 Note: Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you! Please allow 1-3cm measuring deviation due to manual measurement. Included: 1 X Aquarium UV Sterilizer Light 1 X US Plug 1 X User Ma
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đèn tia cực tím cho hồ cá

đèn tia cực tím cho hồ cá
Thiều Hoa
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Thiều Hoa được biết đến là thương hiệu Thời trang nữ – Thời trang trung niên, được ra đời bắt nguồn từ sự hiếu thảo của anh Kiệt – Nhà sáng lập Thiều Hoa. Ngay từ thời sinh viên khốn khó, anh đã ý thức được mong muốn của mình sẽ dành tặng cho mẹ những món quà thật ý nghĩa nhất trong dịp lễ Tết. Vì quanh năm mẹ chỉ lo lắng cho gia đình nên không có thời gian chăm chút cho việc ăn mặc. Nhưng tìm kiếm những thương hiệu có trang phục đảm bảo tiêu chí sang trọng và phù hợp với túi tiền anh thời đó thì thật sự rất khó.