Đặng Phương Trinh
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Cập nhật: 03/12/2021
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
ftb score rating icon 10
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hepi Giá Rẻ 267
ftb score rating icon 10
FTB Score
HIWARE Lobster Crackers and Picks Set Cover
Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới 181 Giá Trị
ftb score rating icon 10
FTB Score

Top 30 giá thiệp mời đám cưới

#TOP 1


Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

THIỆP MỜI THÔI NÔI- SINH NHẬT CHO BÉ - Bộ gồm 10 thiệp - Thiệp in 2 mặt kèm bao thư - Thiệp in màu sắc tươi sáng, chủ đề ngộ nghĩnh, dễ thương. MỌI THẮC MẮC VUI LÒNG INBOX CHO SHOP Ạ. XIN CẢM
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#TOP 2

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hepi Giá Rẻ 267

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Print a cheap wedding invitation only rp.900 - bc paper type. (Quality invitation paper) - at least order 100 invitations. - cheap prices are printed. - open invitation size: 19x20 (cm) - closed invitation size: 11x19 (cm) - plastic bonus: 11.5x22 (cm) Wedding data can be wa: 082 336 1919 66 - the names of the bride and her parents. - day, date, address & hit it will be wedding - day, date, address & hit reception - the bride 's nickname - plan location if the
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#TOP 3

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới 181 Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Salma design invitation 181 ~ it 's a print ~ could be platic and name labels ~ could be added plan / location map ~ could be added photos ~ invitation size 26x18cm ~ 13x18cm folding size An invitation photmat example Groom: - married name: - nickname: - son of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Bride: - married name: - nickname: - daughter of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Marriage account: - day: - date: - hit: - place: Executed at (reception): - day: - date: - hit: - place: - entertainment (if any): - our respect / our marriage / our sons and daughters' wedding: - also invite (if any): #Wedding invitation #Thewedding #A rich invitation #Party #Cards #Invitations #A recent invit
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#TOP 4

✅|𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗨𝘆 𝗧𝗶́𝗻| Thiệp Mời Sinh Nhật, Thiệp Mời Thôi Nôi, Thiệp Mời Đầy Tháng Cho Bé [1801-D]

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

💖 𝐂𝐡𝐚̀𝐨 𝐌𝐮̛̀𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐲́ 𝐊𝐡𝐚́𝐜𝐡 Đ𝐞̂́𝐧 𝐕𝐨̛́𝐢 💖 👉🏻 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙥 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙝 𝙉𝙝𝙖̣̂𝙩 𝘽𝙚𝘽𝙞 👈🏻 🎁 𝐓𝐚̣̆𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐲́ 𝐊𝐡𝐚́𝐜𝐡 𝐕𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐚̉𝐦 𝐠𝐢𝐚́ 𝐤𝐡𝐢 " 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐝𝐨̃𝐢 " 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 💯𝐆𝐢𝐨̛́𝐢 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐮 𝐒𝐚̉𝐧 𝐏𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦💯 💌𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐩 𝐦𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡 𝐧𝐡𝐚̣̂𝐭, 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐩 𝐌𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐈𝐧 𝟑 𝐋𝐚́ 💌 📬𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 𝒎𝒐̛̀𝒊 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒉 𝒏𝒉𝒂̣̂𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒐̂𝒊 𝒏𝒐̂𝒊, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 đ𝒂̂̀𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂́𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒃𝒆́📬 ✅Mã sản phẩm: 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟏 ⚡Chủ đề: Thiệp mời sinh nhật, thiệp thôi nôi hình Hươu cao cổ, Voi, Bò sữa,... ⚡Kích thước: 8.8x13cm ⚡Quy cách đóng gói: Mỗi thiệp bao gồm vỏ và ruột. ⚡Khối lượng : 10g / 1 thiệp 🇻🇳 Xuất xứ : 𝙑𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙩 𝙉𝙖𝙢 🛑 𝐓𝐡𝐨̂𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 🛑 ✔️ Chất liệu: Bao thư giày được ép kim sang trong, tờ ruột làm từ giấy gân, in ấn rõ nét đẹp. ✔️ In bằng mực in chất lượng cao, màu sắc rõ nét. Màu đẹp không phai màu theo thời gian. ✔️ Nội dung mời đã được in sẵn và để trống thông tin để Quý Khách tự điền bổ sung. 💥Mỗi bộ thiệp gồm 2 phần: ✖️ Bao thư (dán sẵn), In offset 2 mặt , khổ thành phẩm 8.8x13cm ✖️ Tờ lót in offset 2 mặt, khổ 13 x 26 cm 💥Chất liệu giấy mỹ thuật gân, giày. Bao gồm 1 bao thư và 1 tấm thiệp mời cứng cáp, ngộ nghĩnh. 💖𝐋͟𝐮̛͟͟𝐮͟ ͟𝐲́͟͟ 💖 ☑️ Loại thiệp đã in nội dung mời, khách hàng chỉ điền thêm thông tin tên-ngày giờ...đãi tiệc.(* 𝙑𝙞𝙚̂́𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙮 *) ☑️ Loại thiệp in nội dung chỉ cần điền tên khách mời.(*𝙄𝙣 𝙉𝙤̣̂𝙞 𝘿𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙞𝙣 *) 🖨Nếu quý khách muốn in Nội dung lên thiệp quý khách gửi nội dung qua inbox của Shop. 📅 𝐓𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐆𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐚̀𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚̀𝐧𝐡 📅 💗 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐕𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐲 : 𝟏 - 𝟐 𝐇𝐨̂𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐚̂̉𝐧 𝐁𝐢̣ 💗 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐍𝐨̣̂𝐢 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐠 : 𝟏 - 𝟑 𝐇𝐨̂𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐚̂̉𝐧 𝐁𝐢̣ 💗 𝐓𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐯𝐚̣̂𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐲𝐞̂̉𝐧: 𝟏- 𝟑 𝐧𝐠𝐚̀𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐤𝐡𝐮 𝐯𝐮̛̣𝐜. 💵 𝐆𝐢𝐚́ 𝐒𝐚̉𝐧 𝐏𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦 💵 💞 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐕𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐲 : 𝟏.𝟖𝟎𝟎đ -𝟐.𝟎𝟎𝟎đ (𝐓𝐮̀𝐲 𝐯𝐚̀𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐡𝐮𝐲𝐞̂́𝐧 𝐦𝐚̃𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐚̣̆𝐜 𝐬𝐨̂́ 𝐥𝐮̛𝐨̛̣𝐧𝐠) 💞 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐍𝐨̣̂𝐢 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐠 : 𝐕𝐮𝐢 𝐥𝐨̀𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐨 𝐭𝐚́𝐜 𝐭𝐫𝐮̛̣𝐜 𝐭𝐢𝐞̂́𝐩 𝐭𝐫𝐞̂𝐧 𝐬𝐚̉𝐧 𝐩𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐲𝐞̂𝐮 𝐜𝐚̂̀𝐮. ************************************************************ Để biết thêm chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ : ☎Liên hệ : 𝟬𝟵𝟲𝟴.𝟰𝟰𝟳.𝟰𝟯𝟮 (Call, Zalo) 𝟬𝟯𝟰𝟲.𝟬𝟱𝟰.𝟰𝟯𝟮 (Call, Zalo) 🏠 Đc :187 Quách Đình Bảo - P. Phú Thạnh - Q. Tân Phú - TP. Hồ Chí Minh #thiepdaythang #Thiệpđầytháng #Thiệpsinhnhật #thiepsinhnhat #Thiệpmờisinhnhật #thiepsinhnhatgiare #Thiệpthôinôi #Thiệpmờithôinôi #thiepmoisinhnhat #Thiệpchúcmừngsinhnhật #thiepthoinoi #Thiệpmờisinhnhậtinnộidung #thiepmoi #Thiệpmờisinhnhậtinhình #thiepchobe #Thiệpsinhnhậtinhình #thiepmoithoinoi #Thiệpsinhnhậtvémáybay #thiepsinhnhatinnoidung #Thiệpchúcmừngsinhnhật #thiepthoinoiinnoidung #thiepchucmungsinh
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#TOP 5

Thiệp Mời Giáng Sinh, Sinh Nhật

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 9.6

Mô tả

Thời gian giao hàng dự kiến cho sản phẩm này là từ 7-9 ngày ✨100% Sản phẩm mới và chất lượng cao Thiết kế thời trang và ngọt ngào, thanh lịch và cổ điển [Tên sản phẩm]: Thiệp chúc mừng họa tiết hoa bất tử gypsophila bằng giấy kraft tự làm [Chất liệu]: Giấy kraft + hoa thật - hoa bất tử [Kích thước]: Sau khi gấp đôi có kích thước 10,2x16cm (phần để trống bên trong có thể viết được) [Khối lượng tịnh]: Khoảng 15g / bộ [Đóng gói]: Túi xách Gói hàng bao gồm: 1x Thiệp chúc mừng Lưu ý Đối với hoa khô thật, đôi khi sẽ bị rơi rụng đôi chút, đó là hiện tượng tự nhiên. Ngoài ra, mỗi bông hoa khô sẽ trông đôi chút khác biệt, đó không phải là vấn đề chất l
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#TOP 6

✅|𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗨𝘆 𝗧𝗶́𝗻| Thiệp Mời Sinh Nhật - Thiệp Mời Thôi Nôi - In Thông Tin Bé Yêu [1801-E]

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

💖 𝐂𝐡𝐚̀𝐨 𝐌𝐮̛̀𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐲́ 𝐊𝐡𝐚́𝐜𝐡 Đ𝐞̂́𝐧 𝐕𝐨̛́𝐢 💖 👉🏻 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙥 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙝 𝙉𝙝𝙖̣̂𝙩 𝘽𝙚𝘽𝙞 👈🏻 🎁 𝐓𝐚̣̆𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐲́ 𝐊𝐡𝐚́𝐜𝐡 𝐕𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐚̉𝐦 𝐠𝐢𝐚́ 𝐤𝐡𝐢 " 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐝𝐨̃𝐢 " 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 💯𝐆𝐢𝐨̛́𝐢 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐮 𝐒𝐚̉𝐧 𝐏𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦💯 💌𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐩 𝐦𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡 𝐧𝐡𝐚̣̂𝐭, 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞̣̂𝐩 𝐌𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐈𝐧 𝟑 𝐋𝐚́ 💌 📬𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 𝒎𝒐̛̀𝒊 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒉 𝒏𝒉𝒂̣̂𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒐̂𝒊 𝒏𝒐̂𝒊, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆̣̂𝒑 đ𝒂̂̀𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂́𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝒃𝒆́📬 ✅Mã sản phẩm: 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟏 ⚡Chủ đề: Thiệp mời sinh nhật, thiệp thôi nôi hình Hươu cao cổ, Voi, Bò sữa,... ⚡Kích thước: 8.8x13cm ⚡Quy cách đóng gói: Mỗi thiệp bao gồm vỏ và ruột. ⚡Khối lượng : 10g / 1 thiệp 🇻🇳 Xuất xứ : 𝙑𝙞𝙚̣̂𝙩 𝙉𝙖𝙢 🛑 𝐓𝐡𝐨̂𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 🛑 ✔️ Chất liệu: Bao thư giày được ép kim sang trong, tờ ruột làm từ giấy gân, in ấn rõ nét đẹp. ✔️ In bằng mực in chất lượng cao, màu sắc rõ nét. Màu đẹp không phai màu theo thời gian. ✔️ Nội dung mời đã được in sẵn và để trống thông tin để Quý Khách tự điền bổ sung. 💥Mỗi bộ thiệp gồm 2 phần: ✖️ Bao thư (dán sẵn), In offset 2 mặt , khổ thành phẩm 8.8x13cm ✖️ Tờ lót in offset 2 mặt, khổ 13 x 26 cm 💥Chất liệu giấy mỹ thuật gân, giày. Bao gồm 1 bao thư và 1 tấm thiệp mời cứng cáp, ngộ nghĩnh. 💖𝐋͟𝐮̛͟͟𝐮͟ ͟𝐲́͟͟ 💖 ☑️ Loại thiệp đã in nội dung mời, khách hàng chỉ điền thêm thông tin tên-ngày giờ...đãi tiệc.(* 𝙑𝙞𝙚̂́𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙮 *) ☑️ Loại thiệp in nội dung chỉ cần điền tên khách mời.(*𝙄𝙣 𝙉𝙤̣̂𝙞 𝘿𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙤̂𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙞𝙣 *) 🖨Nếu quý khách muốn in Nội dung lên thiệp quý khách gửi nội dung qua inbox của Shop. 📅 𝐓𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐆𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐚̀𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚̀𝐧𝐡 📅 💗 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐕𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐲 : 𝟏 - 𝟐 𝐇𝐨̂𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐚̂̉𝐧 𝐁𝐢̣ 💗 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐍𝐨̣̂𝐢 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐠 : 𝟏 - 𝟑 𝐇𝐨̂𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐚̂̉𝐧 𝐁𝐢̣ 💗 𝐓𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐯𝐚̣̂𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐲𝐞̂̉𝐧: 𝟏- 𝟑 𝐧𝐠𝐚̀𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐤𝐡𝐮 𝐯𝐮̛̣𝐜. 💵 𝐆𝐢𝐚́ 𝐒𝐚̉𝐧 𝐏𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦 💵 💞 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐕𝐢𝐞̂́𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐲 : 𝟏.𝟖𝟎𝟎đ -𝟐.𝟎𝟎𝟎đ (𝐓𝐮̀𝐲 𝐯𝐚̀𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨̛̀𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐡𝐮𝐲𝐞̂́𝐧 𝐦𝐚̃𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐚̣̆𝐜 𝐬𝐨̂́ 𝐥𝐮̛𝐨̛̣𝐧𝐠) 💞 𝐌𝐚̂̃𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐍𝐨̣̂𝐢 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐠 : 𝐕𝐮𝐢 𝐥𝐨̀𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐨 𝐭𝐚́𝐜 𝐭𝐫𝐮̛̣𝐜 𝐭𝐢𝐞̂́𝐩 𝐭𝐫𝐞̂𝐧 𝐬𝐚̉𝐧 𝐩𝐡𝐚̂̉𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐲𝐞̂𝐮 𝐜𝐚̂̀𝐮. ************************************************************ Để biết thêm chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ : ☎Liên hệ : 𝟬𝟵𝟲𝟴.𝟰𝟰𝟳.𝟰𝟯𝟮 (Call, Zalo) 𝟬𝟯𝟰𝟲.𝟬𝟱𝟰.𝟰𝟯𝟮 (Call, Zalo) 🏠 Đc :187 Quách Đình Bảo - P. Phú Thạnh - Q. Tân Phú - TP. Hồ Chí Minh #thiepdaythang #Thiệpđầytháng #Thiệpsinhnhật #thiepsinhnhat #Thiệpmờisinhnhật #thiepsinhnhatgiare #Thiệpthôinôi #Thiệpmờithôinôi #thiepmoisinhnhat #Thiệpchúcmừngsinhnhật #thiepthoinoi #Thiệpmờisinhnhậtinnộidung #thiepmoi #Thiệpmờisinhnhậtinhình #thiepchobe #Thiệpsinhnhậtinhình #thiepmoithoinoi #Thiệpsinhnhậtvémáybay #thiepsinhnhatinnoidung #Thiệpchúcmừngsinhnhật #thiepthoinoiinnoidung #thiepchucmungsinh
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#TOP 7

Set 50 Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Sang Trọng

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

[Kamembetbg] 50PC/Set Bronzing Greeting Card Thank You Card Wedding Birthday Blank Card******************Welcome to our Kamembetbg***********************Feature: 1.Our item has a vintage and plain look and smooth-touch feel, and is suitable for scrapbooks, luggage 2. tags, table tags, escort cards, message note, price tags and so on. 3.Excellent for decorating weddings and using these as party favours with a rounded vintage edge top. Specifications: 100% brand new high quality. Material: Cards Paper Size: 85*60MM Color:White Black Package include: 50pcs/set Greeting Card Notes: Please allow 1-3mm error due to manual measurement. The color may be different with the true item due to the screen display, please unders
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#TOP 8

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới 78 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complement and propel your store, at a very affordable price but have a design that is exclusive and interesting. Cheap but not cheap stamps. Specs: Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. # Prices do not include plastic and labels Providing a variety of invitational products Avis, salma, falah, hepi, malik, byar, latitude, beauty, hc, fadhil, envelope, rayya and jago All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy for consumers to fold invitations #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 9

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới 115 Giá Trị Chất Lượng Cao

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Invitation stamp specs Bc 150 180 gr Xblangko does not include thank you, plastic, and labelx Why buy it at our place? > > goods are always ready stock, the goods in our advertisements are always available, even if we go up production faster to get ready stock back, because we 're directly from the producers. > > free file settings, only where we give the file set free. So you can make it easy to print without having to bother settling the invitation. > > our invitation stamp design is very numerous, more than dozens of famous brands and 500 + + invitations are ready to be ordered. > > expensive invitation? Only where we sell the cheapest insurance invitations, starting with 350 rupiahs only!! > > our invitation stamp is the best quality, because it uses the latest machine, and very strict quality control. > > only we are the largest invitation stores, believed to have been distribution of paper to shops in indonesia. > > fast response, please consult us, if the budget is too expensive, etc. Because we have a lot of very cheap cargo options. > > new design every month, we keep updating the latest designs. > > we 've been present for a long time and have had regular customers, printing and shops. It 's served millions of orders every month. X before buying a product, you can chat us up if there are obstacles or questions about goods or delivery services. #Souvenirnikah #Redemption #Wedding souvenirs #Invitation #Dowry #Stamps #Wedding invitation #Weddingdress #Prewedding #Unique invitation #Weddingvitation #A rich invitation #Invitation #Cards #Souvenirs prosperous we
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#TOP 10

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hc 163 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

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These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Folding size: 11.2x19 (cm) Plastic: 11.5x20 / 22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 11

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Phong Cách Moroccan Maliq 70 Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

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These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. All the stamps in viral blangko invitations are in pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. Minimum 50 sheets invitations blank order #Souvenirnikah #Redemption #Wedding souvenirs #Invitation #Dowry #Stamps #Wedding invitation #Weddingdress #Prewedding #Unique invitation #Weddingvitation #A rich invitation #Invitation #Cards #Souvenirs prosperous we
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#TOP 12

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hc 157 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 13

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Byar 66 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Folding size: 13x20 (cm) Plastic size: 13.5x22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. Free file setting All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 14

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới In Chữ Mage 11 Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

~ at least order 100 invitation sheets Invitation specs: Invitation type: Soft cover Material: Bc paper Invitations include: - design cost - print charge. - plastic. - nameless label. - location plan Let 's check the preview before it' s printed, After the fix settings, it just went up print. Interesting design. If you invite 100 people, you 'd better order 10pcs s / d 20pcs. Editorial form: Bride 's name: Bride 's mother' s name: Bride 's father' s name: Groom 's name: Bridegroom 's mother' s name: Groom 's father' s name: Wedding date / blessing: Clock: (Wib / wita / wit) Full address & akad place: Reception date: Reception clock (wib / wita / wit) Full address where the reception is: Short name / nickname of the bride and groom: (E.g. Budi & revelation / b & w) Help invite (if any) We will be happy to help you and to provide an alternative to the desired invitation needs. The wedding invitation is secured, covered in case paper + full duct tape. Ready to receive land / air freight via ship
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#TOP 15

Thẻ Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Avis 102 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

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These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. Free file settings every purchase of stamps All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 16

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới In Họa Tiết Salma 190 Giá Thấp Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Cheap, unique invitation. For min order 200pcs - free: 🔥Design 🔥Add photos 🔥Opp plastic 🔥Name label 🔥Thank you. 🔥Location barcode scan 🔥Admin friendly 🔥Revision to fix 🔥Guest book (min 300pcs) 🔥Free invitation digital (provisions apply min 350pcs) Let 's go to the order to accompany your beautiful wedding moment. #Wedding invitations prosper #Wedding invitation #A rich invitation #Unique wedding invitation #Cards #Wedding card #Souvenirs prosperous wedding #Souvenirmurah #Rich cards #Souvenirs #Prosperous marriage #Party supplies #Wedding card #Wedding supplies #A rich invitation #Cards #Mini-card #Party #The wedding party #Souvenirpest wedding #Equipment #Your book #Invitation line #Invitation is generous #Invitation toamplop #Invitations from hardcover#Invitations#Print#Custom invitation#Digital invitation#Book ofamucustom#Your wedding book#Guestboo
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#TOP 17

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Byar 65 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Folding size: 13x19.8 (cm) Plastic size: 13.5x22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. Free file setting All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fi
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#TOP 18

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Blangko 72 Giá Rẻ Nhất

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Folding size: 13x18.6 (cm) Plastic: 13.5x20 / 22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 19

Bảng Thông Tin Đám Cưới

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

♥ ♥ ♥ HOKKAIDO PART ♥ ♥ ♥ - Nếu quý khách còn mã Freeship Extra vui lòng sử dụng để được giảm tối đa lên tới 70K phí vận chuyển cho đơn hàng từ 300K Bảng thông tin tên cô dâu - chú rể dành cho tiệc cưới, đính hôn. Chất liệu cứng cáp, in ấn sắc nét, giữ được lâu. Kích thước :50cm x 70cm Thay đổi thông tin trên bảng theo ý của khách hàng hoàn toàn miễn phí. Hokkaido Party: Chuyên hàng thiết kế chibi , hashtag , và mọi ý tưởng theo yêu cầu của khách hàng 🏡 Bình Tân- TP.HCM ☎️ 0702.679.678 (Zalo) Khách hàng ở TP.HCM nhận hàng sau 1-2 ngày, khách hàng các tỉnh khác nhận hàng sau 3-5 ngày #Hashtag #hashtagcamtay #hastagsinhnhat #Hashtagdamcuoi #Hashtaghoplop #damcuoi #sinhnhat #sukien #hoplop #hashtagcamtaychupanh #bangcamtaychuphinh #bangcamtayquangcao #bangquangcaocamtay #hashtagcamtayquangcao #hashtagquangcaocamtay #bangcamtaymypham #bangcamtaycheckin #hashtagsukien #hashtag_cầm_tay_chup_ảnh #hashtag_cầm_tay_quảng_cáo #hashtag_cầm_tay_chụp_hình #bảng_cầm_tay_quảng_cáo #bảng_quảng_cáo_cầm_tay #hashag_đám_cưới #hashtag_sinh_nhật #bảng_cầm_tay_đám_cưới #bảng_cầm_tay_sinh
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#TOP 20

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hc 110 Giá Tốt Nhất

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Hc 110 invitation ~ it 's a print ~ could be platic and name labels ~ could be added plan / location map ~ could be added photos ~ invitation size 30.8x22cm ~ 14.1x22cm folding size An invitation photmat example Groom: - married name: - nickname: - son of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Bride: - married name: - nickname: - daughter of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Marriage account: - day: - date: - hit: - place: Executed at (reception): - day: - date: - hit: - place: - entertainment (if any): - our respect / our marriage / our sons and daughters' wedding: - also invite (if any): #Wedding invitation #Thewedding #A rich invitation #Party #Cards #Invitations #A recent invit
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#TOP 21

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Hc 101 Giá Rẻ Nhất

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Specs: Blangko type: Hardcover Foil: Yes, Folding size: 14.5x 20.5cm Prices do not include plastic and content print Stock is limited to a specific product please hub. We are first for diskount products and take in a big fight. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invit
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#TOP 22

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới 149 Giá Rẻ

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

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Mô tả

👆 Realpict > please list the child 's name or the bride' s name in the note column yes Min. Order 100 Additional 10,15,20,dst. Work is prioritized Blanko, good. There 's silver foil in the front pi
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#TOP 23

Thẻ Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Salma 199 Giá Trị Độc Đáo

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These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Folding size: 11.4x21.2 (cm) Plastic size: 12x22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. All the stamps in the blangko warehouse have been at pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. An invitation stamp warehouse provides a variety of invitational products 1. Avis invitation stamp 2. Byar invitation stamp 3. Beautiful invitation stamp 4. Fadhil invitation stamp 5. Hc invitation stamp 6. Hepi invitation stamp 7. Jago invitations stamp 8. Latitude invitation stamp 9. Maliq invitations stamp 10. Rayya invitation stamp 11. Rizki invitation stamp 12. Salma invitation stamp 13. Call a copy. In addition, the blangko warehouse also provides a gift envelope with motif yang Interesting and ethnic design. Nb: Prices are not included in the budget and plastic Stock Limited To Product Product Certain Please - hub. We More A long time ago To Product Diskount And Retrieval In Fight Great. #Invitation #Marriage #Wedding invitation #Wedding #Invitations #Invitationscard #Stamps #Cheap #Cheapest #Newest #Promo #Khitan #Invitations #Diskount #Cucigudang #Weddingvit
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#TOP 24

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Giá Rẻ 04 C

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Mô tả

Jasmine 's wedding invitation Description: - jasmine paper 210g - 15x18cm. - 33.5x18cm open size Bonus: - greeting card. - packing plastic (already packed) - invited name label. - soft file. Minimum order 300 sh
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#TOP 25

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới H-295 Giá Rẻ

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Specs: Folding size: 13.3x18.7 (cm) Plastic: 13.5x20 / 22 (cm) Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: No. Minimized order: 100pcs. And multiplied yes Prices include plastic and print
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#TOP 26

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới In Họa Tiết Cây Thập Giá 70

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

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Invitation specs: Invitation type: Soft cover Material: Bc paper Invitations include: - design cost - print charge. - plastic. - nameless label. - location plan After the fix settings, it just went up print. Interesting design. If you invite 100 people, you 'd better order 10pcs s / d 20pcs. In format: Bride 's name: Bride 's mother' s name: Bride 's father' s name: Groom 's name: Bridegroom 's mother' s name: Groom 's father' s name: Wedding date / blessing: Clock: (Wib / wita / wit) Full address & akad place: Reception date: Reception clock (wib / wita / wit) Full address where the reception is: Short name / nickname of the bride and groom: (E.g. Budi & revelation / b & w) Help invite (if any) The wedding invitation is secured, covered in case paper + full duct tape. Ready to receive land / air cargo delivery via ~ at least the ordering is 100 invita
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#TOP 27

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Byar 66 Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

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Mô tả

These stamps are suitable to complete and prophesy your store, in terms of Affordable price with exclusive and interesting design, blangko This invitation has been widely known and popularized by the community Wide. Specs: Open size: 20x29.1 (cm) Closed size: 13x20 (cm) Plastic size: 13.5x22 (cm) Price: Rp. 450 / sheet Paper type: Bc Blangko type: Softcover Foil: Nothing. All the stamps in viral blangko invitations are in pond so it 's easy Consumers fold invitations. > at least 50 sheets invitation stamps > price not included plastic opp & name label #Souvenirnikah #Redemption #Wedding souvenirs #Invitation #Dowry #Stamps #Wedding invitation #Weddingdress #Prewedding #Unique invitation #Weddingvitation #A rich invitation #Invitation #Cards #Souvenirs prosperous we
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#TOP 28

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới In Số 21 Giá Trị

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

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Mô tả

Maliq 21 invitation ~ it 's a print ~ could be platic and name labels ~ could be added plan / location map ~ could be added photos ~ invitation size 27x20cm ~ 12.3x20cm folding size An invitation photmat example Groom: - married name: - nickname: - son of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Bride: - married name: - nickname: - daughter of kel. Father... - mom... - address (if necessary): Marriage account: - day: - date: - hit: - place: Executed at (reception): - day: - date: - hit: - place: - entertainment (if any): - our respect / our marriage / our sons and daughters' wedding: - also invite (if any): #Wedding invitation #Thewedding #A rich invitation #Party #Cards #Invitations #A recent invit
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#TOP 29

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Adl 008 Giá Rẻ

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Specs: Softcover, fold 3 Aster 200 gsm (thick enough to be a regular blanko, or regular bc paper) Folding size 14x18cm 18x28cm open size - - including name & plastic sti
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#TOP 30

Thiệp Mời Đám Cưới Phong Cách Giá Rẻ

Đánh giá cho sản phẩm (FTB Score)

ftb score rating icon 10

Mô tả

Cheap wedding invitation Quality luxury rustic wedding invitation 1 day work only (in line) Chat before order, for acc design. Chat before order, for acc design. Chat before order, for acc design. Booking min. 100 sheets Order system: Send data - acc design - print - send Free: Neat folds Free: Plastic (100pcs) Free: Name label Frre: Location plan (300pcs) Free: Thank you or souvenir coupon (500pcs) Have a good day shop
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Nhà thiết kế trẻ Đặng Phương Trinh nắm bắt xu hướng thời trang mới của giới trẻ hiện nay. Cho ra mắt những sản phẩm mang phong cách trẻ trung, năng động những không kém phần ngọt ngào, nữ tính, điểm chút cá tính, phá cách của những người trẻ.